You may have noticed that you leave the beach feeling refreshed. Personally, it's my natural reaction to head to the beach anytime I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Studies have scientifically proven that exposure to blue spaces, including the ocean, is directly linked to overall improved health. According to an analysis of English census data published in the journal Health Place, those living near the coast report better physical and mental health than those who live inland. Here are 7 health benefits of a beach day:
Improves sleep quality
The chemical makeup of salt is made with a large number of negative ions. Sea air is very salty. When you breathe the salty air in, you inhale negative ions. Negative ions offer an abundance of benefits for the body. They assist our blood in absorbing oxygen and increase oxygen levels in our brains. Negative ions also increase levels of oxygen in the brain, which is associated with therapeutic, deeper sleep. Also, inhaling negative ions makes us feel more focused and energized. Plus, they balance serotonin and melatonin levels in your body. Melatonin is a hormone that helps us fall asleep at night and regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Serotonin is essential for quality stage R sleep. Additionally, the white noise of the waves crashing on shore helps de-stimulate the brain and slows down the central nervous system. This has a direct effect on improved sleep quality.
Increases creativity
One of the best ways to improve creativity is by visiting a blue space, such as the ocean. Blue spaces are proven to clear your mind and enhance your creative side. Looking at blue hues is associated with qualities like calmness, creativity, and wisdom. Wallace J. Nichols, a marine biologist, believes that we all have a "blue mind". He describes a blue mind as "a mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peacefulness, unity, and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment." Our blue minds are triggered when we are in or near the water. This peaceful state of mind leads to creative thinking.
Reduces stress
Spend some time at the beach and you will realize that you instantly feel relaxed. It's scientifically proven! Research finds that spending time in nature can lower your blood pressure and stress hormones. Nature increases relaxation. Increased relaxation helps reduce toxic stress hormones in both your brain and body. Specifically, the three Ss of the beach-sun, sand, and surf-have been proven to reduce stress levels. The sun lifts our mood and energy levels and is shown to decrease depression. Additionally, the sensation of being barefoot on a natural exfoliator (sand) is also shown to boost your mood and reduce stress. Moreover, studies have shown that listening to the sound of the waves crashing on shore enhances relaxation more than any other sound. The combination of the sun, sand, and surf (waves) creates a therapeutic mindset.
Cleanses Skin
The ocean cleanses our skin. Taking a swim in salt water helps deep cleanse our pores and save our skin. The heat of the sun opens up your pores and allows the salt water to seep in and remove unwanted toxins. Sea water is filled with healthy minerals including magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, and potassium. All of these minerals are great for the skin and cure various skin conditions. In fact, many people report improvements in a variety of skin conditions after an ocean swim. Additionally, sand is a natural exfoliant and it exfoliates your skin. This allows your pores to breathe and promotes healthy skin cell production. Specifically, magnesium is a mineral found to be extremely beneficial to those with dry skin. This is the reason that you may notice your skin is much softer after a quick dip in the sea. Moreover, salt is antibacterial and antimicrobial. With that said, swimming in salt water can fight against acne-causing bacteria. Skin professionals are well aware of the benefits of salt for the skin. Salt facials are extremely popular in the industry right now. A salt facial usually costs around $300, but a swim in the ocean costs $0.
Boosts immune system
Several elements in the seawater activate the body's healing mechanisms and can produce antibacterial effects that help promote a healthy immune system. For example, ocean waves contain iodine. Iodine helps fight infections and regulate the immune system by removing toxic and biological toxins from the body. Additionally, the number of red and white blood cells increases by about 20 percent after a swim in the sea. The functions of white and red blood cells are to carry oxygen and defend against microbial attack.
Improves mental health
The beach can have a positive effect on anyone who has anxiety and depression. It's proven that a 20-minute walk along the coast can drastically lift your mood. The white noise of the waves crashing is proven to help relieve negative feelings. This is why many people listen to ocean sounds during meditation.
Provides vitamin D
Your body uses ultraviolet sun rays to create Vitamin D. During the first 10 minutes of your beach day, your body is able to make a daily dose of Vitamin D. It often makes enough to store some. Spending 10 minutes in the sun sounds simple, but millions of people are deficient in Vitamin D. According to FDA, a proper dose of vitamin D positively impacts blood pressure regulation, bone growth, calcium balance, hormone production, nervous system function, and immune system function.